Talerico Insurance Agency is an Independent Insurance Agency located in Morgantown, West Virginia serving customers throughout Morgantown and neighboring Pennsylvania and Maryland. Randy Talerico has been a licensed Insurance Agent since 1983. Randy has been fortunate and honored to work with some of West Virginia’s finest insurance agencies. Family owned Chamberlaine & Flowers Insurance Agency was instrumental in early development and education for all lines of Property & Casualty and Life. Acordia of WV and later Wells Fargo Insurance Services helped fine tune Commercial Lines skills for any risk.
In May of 2007 a dream came true for Randy and his wife Denise, when Erie Insurance Group made it possible to open up their own insurance agency. None of this would be possible if it weren’t for Randy’s Father, Samuel Talerico. “Sincere Sam”, started his insurance career in 1968 in Morgantown and to say the least has become an iconic and colorful figure throughout West Virginia.
“My father taught me to respect the insurance industry and your fellow insurance agents. They are not your competitors; they are your friends and allies.”
Build relationships through honesty, trust and personal interaction for each and every person you meet. Never discriminate; take pride in treating each and every client the same.
Never forget. Your Client is Your Boss.
Randy and his wife Denise reside in Morgantown.
Posted: March 24, 2025
There’s a sense of deep pride that comes with being a homeowner. But with that satisfaction comes its share of weekend home improvement projects and upkeep, too. Winter is usually rough on your home. Once snow, ice, wind, and freezing temperatures calm down, spring is a good time to check how your home withstood the season. Spring Home Maintenance Checklist Have your roof inspected. This is...
Posted: March 20, 2025
Spring isn’t just about decluttering your home, it’s also the perfect time to think about refreshing your career. Does your current role align with your career aspirations? If it feels like you’ve gotten a little off course, here are seven quick and easy ways to help tidy up your professional life and set yourself up for success. 1. Update Your Resume and LinkedIn Profile Give...
Posted: March 20, 2025
When most people think about auto insurance, they often consider how it protects their car in the event of an accident. But what if you discover that someone’s destroyed your vehicle with their own two hands? Unlike a car crash, vandalism is no accident — it’s an intentional act. The goal could have been to steal something from your back seat. Or maybe it was just...